The only thing that really makes me jealous of vampires besides their devilish good looks, perfect bodies, seductive eyes… okay. One of the things that vampires have that I wish we could have is the almost instant skin healing super power. But alas!

Regal Pet Health has this absolutely awesome Skin Healing product which of course I was skeptical about at first but Bailey was the perfect guinea pig for the testing.
Disclaimer: at the bottom of this post there are some photos that do show an open wound and the healing process. If you’re squeamish, just read the next paragraph or three and then stop scrolling!
A while ago, Bailey started licking and licking at the same patch on her hind legs (the exact same spot on both legs) until they were raw and bleeding. Of course, that didn’t stop her. We put mercurochrome on it to help dry it out quickly so it would sort of be a deterrent for Bailey’s insistent tongue. It helped — for a while. A few weeks go by and we all forget about the legs, until we notice her licking again and it’s back. Now with us working all day during the week, it’s difficult to maintain a “Bailey, stop licking your leg” routine so the wounds kept coming back no matter what we did.
We were then awarded the opportunity to try out the Skin Healing Spray from Regal. All thanks to Max and Willow‘s birthday giveaway who gave us this opportunity with the prize! It’s like it was fate, because that week Bailey had started licking her right hind leg again. Luckily it hadn’t gotten as bad as before but I immediately started with the spray. Honestly, I didn’t even hesitate to read the ingredients or do research like I usually do, I was a bad dog mom and even with my skepticism, I just went for it (10 points from Gryffindor).
I was at home that week so I could monitor Bailey. I sprayed in the morning and then distracted her with treats and cuddles. The process was then repeated in the evening. Bailey still licked when she could but at least the solution could soak in for a bit. The next week we all went back to work so the monitoring lacked and often I forgot to use the spray. So in total, the below pictures were honestly taken over roughly four weeks, but you can still see the improvement. If I had been more diligent, the process would’ve been much faster, especially compared to the weeks and weeks Bailey’s leg was raw in the past. However, I am none the less amazed by how well the product worked! My apologies to Regal for being skeptical at the beginning.
As a conclusion, Bailey’s leg is completely healed and she hasn’t licked it in ages, even with these awful heat waves we’ve been getting. Whether it was an allergy, hot spot or just an irritation, Regal has saved the day and it’s completely gone! I still have 95% of the bottle left so in case I need it in the future, it will be the first thing I grab.
Okay now stop scrolling you squeamish viewers!
