Delicious pupcakes and more...
Man do I love the Dog Community! There are so many fabulous things out there to discover, and one of them is Mimi and Munch. From treats to pupcakes to birthday cakes, my dogs absolutely go head over heels for anything for these handmade goodies!

The loveliest Jade started Mimi and Munch because she saw a gap in the industry: a need where so many dogs have bad reactions to all the things corporate companies put into dog food and treats. So she came up with some recipes for the most delicious (yes… I have admittedly tasted them) dog treats that only have natural ingredients with all sorts of benefits.
The treats come in flavors from Bedtime Snacks with chamomile and apple, to Puppermint Kisses for those hounds with bad breath (ahem… Sebastian) and so much more!
Oh and when you thought it couldn’t get any better, there are the pupcakes. I haven’t tasted these, but I can tell you my dogs go mad for them. They know exactly what it is the second they get a whiff through the box. Have you ever tried taming a lion while dangling a good old steak in front of their nose? That’s what it’s like with my dogs. Dare I take longer than one second to grab a quick photo, I get barked at profusely.
On top of all of this, you can also get a whole bunch of extra treats for your pup’s pawty! I’m talking about party packs and platters galore. So can we organize a big pawty soon so we can get these? Please?

My dogs wish they had birthdays twelve times a year just so they can be treated by Mimi and Munch. And what’s great is I wouldn’t complain because it doesn’t hurt my wallet like other (not as exciting) dog treats do!
These are five star goodies for your five star dogs.