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How do you write a eulogy for your soulmate?
Sebastian Magic Maestro
27/10/05 - 04/06/18
How do you write a eulogy for your soulmate?
How do you write something to sum up someone who touched the lives of so many, in ways that no human could?
Through being a therapy dog and bringing joy to disabled children who were once terrified of any canine, but cried every time he’d leave.
Through bringing me socks, bras and Barney when I’m sad or feeling sick.
Through allowing me to rope him into my millions of completely vain and unflattering selfies, but standing by because it made me happy.
Through allowing me to balance all kinds of things simultaneously on his head, and dressing him up in the most outrageous of outfits.
Through putting up with my frustration and praise over more than 8 years of training.
Through the countless hours he spent staring lovingly at the pizza on the coffee table, hoping eventually a piece would wonder over in his direction.
Through the tiny crabs he dug out of their holes on the beach, and the waves that carried him and his floating jowls back to shore.
Through making sure each and every human visitor gave him an extended amount of pats and love, no matter what they’d proclaim about his smelly breath.
Through his total adoration for food, resulting in the longest dribble of drool landing on an unsuspecting victim’s leg.
Through the best cuddles in the world that never lasted long because you’d soon be kicked off your own bed.
Through the most loving of looks he’d give to you, because you mean the world to him.
How do you write a eulogy for someone so perfect, who leaves your life without a warning or time to cope?
How do you write a eulogy for someone who smiled, right until the end, even when you couldn’t?
How do you write a eulogy for your soul mate?

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