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The Story Behind the Name

What does it mean to "be Basti"?

In the summery November of 2017, we had just lost our gorgeous White Swiss Shepherd, Heidi, a week before her 13th birthday. The first of the two OG’s. The second being Basti. (We also had hooligan Beanie who adored Heidi and was heart broken when she died, you can find out more about that here).

Having both these dogs since I was in prep school, they were my life and everything above that. Losing Heidi was a shock, but we knew it was her time. Both Heidi and Basti were perfectly trained and qualified therapy dogs under Paws For People, run by Lesley deKlerk. Although Heidi was more of a mommy’s girl, Basti absolutely adored visiting orphanages, hospitals and old age homes. Giving endless love in return for a good head scratch or biscuit.

It was this pure joy that Basti brought to my life that I just couldn’t keep to myself. I had to share it with anyone and everyone. I was encouraged by my loveliest friend, Jess, and so began the journey of beingbasti.




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